MARTIN MEIXNER is a freelance artist, keyboard instrumentalist and composer. He has long been a recognized specialist on the Hammond organ. From a conventional point of view, this instrument is associated with musical decades long past. Meixner is not interested in this nostalgic point of view. His aim is to open a door to the future for the Hammond organ.

From today's perspective of a Hammond organist, the combination of Meixner's outstanding playing, technique and the highly complex and specially developed signal flow chain represents a clear unique selling point, that offers Meixner the opportunity for sustainable, professional development as a sound artist.

MARTIN MEIXNER   |  organ player

"When Meixner plays his organ, the instrument becomes an organism: He draws sounds from it that you would otherwise only hear if you were to listen to a wild animal’s internal organs through a stethoscope. Because an organ that only ever growls is boring like a caged tiger that only ever roars. And so Mr Meixner’s organ doesn’t just roar and growl, but also whimpers and purrs, plays games, makes eyes at you and eventually wraps itself around your neck." 

(Harald Ruppert)

Instrument of the year 2021

First and foremost, the organ is a symbol of the sacred. The sound stands for purity and harmony with many overtones up to the supernatural. With this majestic keyboard instrument, which was voted Instrument of the Year in 2021, there is no frequency range that is not covered. The Hammond organ inspires and gives pleasure. For me it is and remains the jack of all trades - the queen of (keyboard) instruments.

Martin developed himself a complex signal flow chain that is specially tailored to the Hammond organ. That is indeed an important part that defines his sound and the way he plays and also flows into his performance. It consists of various effects units, sequencers, loops, as well as cassette recorders and tapes. "With these modern and partly wacky sound devices, I want to dress the queen in some hip new clothes and present her to the younger generation in a new guise", he says.

Synergies on the Swabian Alb

With a great helping hand of Michael Fetscher, who is not only an excellent producer, sound researcher, visionary, sound engineer, but also studio and label owner of flavoredtune.com, many new production ideas are created, worked out and implemented with the necessary calm and great attention to detail. And everything happens in an idyllic village called Steinhilben on the Swabian Alb. 

Back to the future

This unique and special sound, as well as the complexity of the extensive and versatile sound options are always incentive for Meixner to design new musical and artistic concepts at the same time. "I want to show respect  to the Hammond organ, that has become famous in the last century. Unfortunately this instrument is almost forgotten nowadays. But I dusted them off and put it back on stage. Back to the Future. In a new shining."

Idee & Konzept:

Martin Meixner – hammond organ & tapes, composition

Michael Fetscher – sound engineer, recording, mix & mastering

© 2022 by Martin Meixner & Flavoredtune

Das Projekt "Meixner The Organ" wurde 2021 im Rahmen eines Stipendiums zur Förderung künstlerischer Praxis finanziell unterstützt durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Bundeslandes Baden-Württemberg. Vielen herzlichen Dank.


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